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Everything you wanted to know about the Tantra Festival but never knew who to ask!
October 2022. Ibiza, Spain, at the end of the tourist season. In the Facebook group Ibiza Tantra Festival – Attendees Only, new posts are just popping up. These posts share who is arriving and when, who is sharing transportation from the airport to the Portinatx Beach Club Hotel and with whom, who is arriving a few days early, who is staying in Sant Antoni de Portmany, who would like to grab another closing party in Ibiza before the festival begins. The impatience and excitement are steadily growing, three days, two days, one more day until the start of the festival! The tribe slowly arrives on the island.
Portinatx Beach Club Hotel is a perfectly satisfactory place for an event like the Tantra Festival, with two swimming pools, the sea at the end of the path, bungalows tucked into the shade of pine trees, quite fancy. Monday afternoon is registration time, with more than 400 souls of various ages from 25 to 75 years old I would guess, both sexes, and all possible nationalities. “Hey, hello, how are you?” Long time no see. Sooooo good to see you again. Hmmm, can you remind me please, we know each other from Arambol in India, right? Perhaps the Ecstatic Dance Festival Portugal? Or Tantra Festival Amsterdam? No, no, no, I remembered, it was ISTA (International School of Temple Arts) training in Turkey! YES! So good to see you brother (or sister).”😊
The opening ceremony is hosted in the Shiva Shakti Temple (a large circular tent like you may have for a wedding). Pillows are arranged in circles, first row, second row, third row etc. Rows are spreading out and people are coming down, down, down though the rows like a river of people is flooding in. From the corner, the sounds of the sitar (an instrument from India) are heard, a gentle introduction, allowing one to enter into oneself, breathing and accepting the initiation of the temple that will be our home for the next week. Now it is time to get on our feet and we walk through the village, our eyes meet the eyes of the other inhabitants of the village. With some it is easy to establish eye contact, while with others it is impossible. At times in front of someone, emotions grow, and eyes fill with tears for who knows what reason. In front of someone else, one’s eyes just fall. It is quite a large village, approximately 400 souls walking around with the hope that the upcoming days will bring some new life changing insights, perhaps relief, excitement, the unfreezing of emotions, start an inner fire, stir up Eros, or just entertain at the minimum.
Why are you here? What do you want to find? Four ingredients are needed for a successful journey: Curiosity, Innocence, Excitement and Self-regulation.
Let’s go dancing, dancing for life, in the fiery baptism of the Temple.
The festival is now officially open!
Sve što ste želeli da znate o Tantra festivalu a
niste imali koga da pitate
Oktobar 2022. Ibica, Španija, kraj turističke sezone. FB grupa Ibiza Tantra festival – attendees only, samo iskaču novi postovi. Ko kad stiže, ko s kim deli prevoz od aerodroma do Portinatx beach club hotel, ko dolazi par dana ranije, ko odseda u Sant Antoni de Portmany, ko bi da ugrabi još neki closing party na Ibici pre nego počne festival… Nestrpljenje i uzbuđenje rastu, još tri, dva, jedan dan do početka, pleme polako pristiže na ostrvo…
Portinatx beach club hotel, sasvim OK mesto za manifestaciju poput Tantra festivala, dva bazena, more na kraj staze, bungalovi ušuškani u hladovinu borova, fensi. Ponedeljak popodne, registacija, više od 400 duša, raznih uzrasta, cenim od 25 do 75 godina, oba pola, svih mogućih nacionalnosti. „Heey, hello, how are you? Long time no see… Sooooo good to see you again.. Hmmm, can you remind me please, we know each other from Arambol, right? No? Maybe Ecstatic Dance festival Portugal? Or Tantra festival Amsterdam? No, no, no, I remembered, it was ISTA training in Turkey! YES! So good to see you brother (or sister )“😊
Svečana ceremonija otvaranja u Shiva – Shakti templu (veliki šator kružnog oblika, kao za svadbe). Jastuci poređani u krug, jedan red, drugi red, treći red…nižu se redovi, nižu se ljudi, nižu, nižu, reka ljudi ulazi, ulazi… Iz ugla se čuju zvuci sitara (instrument iz Indije), lagano uvođenje, ulaženje u sebe, u disanje, inicijacija templa koji će nam biti dom narednih nedelju dana. Hajmo na noge, šetamo selom, pogledi se susreću sa pogledima ostalih stanovnika sela. Sa nekima je lagano uspostaviti “eye contact”, sa nekima baš i ne, ispred nekoga grunu emocije, oči se napune suzama, iz ko zna kog razloga, ispred nekoga se pogled samo obori… Prilično je veliko selo, 400 i resto duša hoda sa nadom da će nastupajuća nedelje doneti neke nove „life changing“ uvide, olakšanje, uzbuđenje, odlediti emocije, pokrenuti vatru, pokrenuti Eros, ili samo zabaviti.
Why are you here? What do you want to find? Potrebna su četiri začina za uspešno putovanje: Curiosity, Innocence, Excitement and Self-regulation.
Idemo u ples, ples za život, za vatreno krštenje Templa.
Festival je zvanično otvoren!