Za verziju teksta na srpskom jeziku ‘skrolujte’ na dole.
The plot of this episode is happening in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. I heard about it or rather experienced Tantric Dance for the first time (hereinafter TD) at Tantra Festival back in 2018, also in Amsterdam, personally by the founders themselves – Rakesh & Elfriede. It was pretty shocking – around 300 people, half of them blindfolded, the other half unmasked, they dance as a couple, you don’t know who you’re dancing with, you lead a little and you’re led a little. All in all, it’s completely crazy. There’s no chance to stay indifferent. Since then, I’ve come across TD here and there and I’ve been more and more interested in the whole phenomenon.
Four years later it’s October 2022: there’s Tantra Festival on Ibiza, where I meet Elfriede telling her “Heey, it’s wonderful that we meet again!’’, and she invites me to TD Teacher Training, which takes place in July 2023. Bloody hell!? And what will I do now? I mean, it’s a piece of cake… Maybe the turning point was the fact that it is ‘’certified’’, which for a (too)serious collector of certificates was a (too)serious challenge.
July 2023: it’s time to hit the road. I asked myself, god knows how many times, when I will be on annual leave like all normal people, to go to the beach a little bit, to eat a little, to have first-degree sunburns?? Once again I’m plunged in ‘’personal development’’ with a notebook in my hands and some serious work. This time the subject was Tantric Dance.
The training was held in the former monastery, in the eastern part of Amsterdam, transformed into studios for various purposes – as a dance studio, a yoga studio etc. Under the window was a small boat, there were also a small channel and a small bridge, all very idyllic. Participants – two Swiss, one Belgian, one American, the rest were Dutch and me – a Serbian woman. And yeah, I was thinking how Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs could ‘’motivate’’ me somehow, since I’ve been working for years as our Ambassador for various ‘’spiritual/shamanic/sexual/ personal/ collective development’’ events and therefore I represent our dear country with my personality and work. I would say quite successfully, to begin with I’ve convinced a lot of people that it isn’t thaaat much cold in Serbia as it’s in Siberia, that we are a little farther south and geographically (still) in Europe.
MoreSve što ste hteli da znate o Tantričkom plesu a niste ni znali da postoji
Radnja ove epizode se dešava u Amsterdamu, Holandija. Za Tantrički ples (Tantric Dance, u daljem tekstu – TD), sam čula, tj. doživela prvi put na Tantra festivalu, 2018. isto u Amsterdamu, lično od “izumitelja” TD-a, Rakesh & Elfriede. Bilo je prilično šokovito, <300 ljudi, pola sa povezom na očima, pola bez, plešu u paru, nemaš pojma sa kim plešeš, malo vodiš, malo budeš vođen, sve u svemu totalno krejzi, nema šanse da ostaneš ravnodušan/šna. Od tada sam ovde i onde nailazila na TD, i sve me je više zanimao ceo fenomen…
Četiri godine kasnije, oktobar 2022., Tantra festival na Ibici, sretnem Elfriede, “Heeej, divno što se srećemo ponovo!”, i dobijem od nje poziv za TD Teacher Training, u julu 2023. Grom i pakao !?! I šta ću sad? Mislim, teško žabi sa obale… Možda je prelomilo i to što je “Certified”, za jednog (pre)ozbiljnog sakupljača sertifikata ovo je bio (pre)ozbiljni izazov.
Juli 2023., vreme da se krene na put. Po ko zna koji put se upitah kada ću kao sav normalan svet ići na normalan GO (godišnji odmor), malo plaža, malo klopa, malo opekotine 1og stepena?? Opet sam se uvalila u “personal development”, sveska u ruke i ozbiljna šljaka. Ovog puta na temu Tantric Dance.
Mesto gde se održava trening je bivši samostan, u istočnom delu Amsterdama, preuređen u ateljee za razne namene, plesni studio, joga studio, itd. Ispod prozora parkiran čamčić, tu je kanalić, mostić, vrlo idilično. Učesnici, dvoje švajcaraca, jedan belgijanac, jedan amerikanac, ostalo holanđani i ja, srpkinja. E, da, nešto sam razmišljala, moglo bi naše Ministarstvo inostranih poslova da me na neki način “motiviše”, radim već godinama kao Ambasador po razno-raznim “spiritual/shamanic/sexual/personal/collective development” dešavanjima, i predstavljam dragu nam državu Srbiju svojom ličnošću i delom. Rekla bih dosta uspešno, za početak sam dosta ljudi ubedila da u Srbiji nije toooliko hladno (Siberia), da smo maalo južnije i geografski u Evropi.