Once upon a time… In the Concious Castle lived a Witch, a Wizard and a Knight… Actually, only Witch and Wizard (Knight is only a temporary – associate member).

The Witch and the Wizard met long time ago (not soooo long..), saw each other by the waterspring, recognized each other, hugged and remained hugged – forever. They wandered the world together for a while and looked for a place to build their nest…

At some point, the rich Dutch man enters this fairy tale and recognizes the magical skills of the Witch and the Wizard and invites them to use their sorcery and witchcraft to revive and bring the Soul into his 13th century castle. Soon after that historical meeting, just an ‘ordinary castle’ became the Conscious Castle, under their magic wand.

Where am I in this story?

So, recently, while surfing the Akashic records, I came across a post by a Witch, looking for a volunteer Fairy, to help in a Conscious Castle. Mmmmm…what a tempting offer??? I packed my wings, some stardust, a needle and thread, just in case, bay leaves and red pepper for the ‘sarma’, red tulle, sequins and other things – you know, fairy stuff.

The winter fairy tale has begun.. So, I arrived in the blink of an eye to the Conscious Castle. The Witch and the Wizard, as hosts in the castle, are, I can say – absolutely perfect. Every Witch’s magical idea and the Wizard’s skilful hands, with the crumb of the “Love spice”, as the main ingredient, have transformed the cold walls of the castle into a warm, hearty and sensual nest…

As soon as I had my fairy trinkets set up, fairies and elves, dwarfs, tieflings, mermaids, nymphs, leprechauns, drows, dragons and other wonderful creatures began to arrive, from all sides into the Conscious Castle. Wow, what an impressive gathering..
And so, we were hanging out, exchanging magic dust, laughed, hugged, every now and then, cooked together, cleaned the golden sprinkles. Learned magical skills from each other, danced, danced and danced…

In the evening, we gathered dressed in the most festive possible clothes, made of mystical threads, which can only be seen by someone whose eyes are present, here and now. And then we would play, curiously discovering who and what we are, returning to our true essence in the fairy circle. At some point, all the creatures would get a little tired and retire to sleep in their rooms in the Castle. And the Farm. My fairy room was in the Farm.

A new day would bring new games and challenges. You know, the ones typical for these slightly unusual creatures – full of surprises!
And then, the New Year has come! Although, I’m not really sure what that means in the World of Magic? I think the time is measured quite differently in this circumstances? Hmmm.. The whole ‘concept of the space & time’ is a little bit twisted? A kind of a Void? Anyway, it was more than enough reason for a massive celebration!

At some point, at the first day of the New Year, almost all those beautiful creatures packed up and POOF! They disappeared… some on a broomstick, some on a cloud, some with a camper- those are the newer generations of dwarfs and fancy knights…

We stayed in the Castle, Witch and Wizard, and me, Spirit. And here and there enchanted mist that crept into every corner and needs to be cleaned…and packed for the next New Year.

There were still hours and hours of untold stories and the crackling of a fire (I made up fire, for the sake of a fairy tale)… and delicious food, yummy… The three of us and a Castle. And let’s not forget an incredible invention from the Matrix – a sewing machine 😊

Soon, I, Spirit will also pack up my fairy supplies and get onto a bird with huge wings to fly me back to my Fairy Home.

Thank you, Witch and Wizard, for this Fairy Tale. Only LOVE.

The events and characters depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental 😊