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Tantrički ples je razigrana interakcija između muške i ženske energije za prevazilaženje dualnosti. Put da postanemo iskreniji prema sebi i drugima.

Sa Tantričkim plesom plešemo u parovima. Jedan plesač ima povez preko očiju i predaje se drugom koji vodi ples. Onaj koji vodi deluje iz muške energije (Šiva). Muška energija je odlučujuća i zaštitna i vodi partnera u plesno putovanje. Plesač koji sledi pokret deluje iz ženskih kvaliteta (Šakti). Ženska energija je graciozna, tečna poput vode i predaje se.

Povez na očima nam pomaže da se okrenemo ka unutra, zatvarajući jedno od naših glavnih čula – oči. Postajemo osetljiviji na ono što jeste i ostajemo prisutni i budni u ovom trenutku. Povez nam pomaže da posmatramo sebe. Da svedočimo kako se povezujemo sa drugima i otkrivamo sebe na različite načine. 

Sa Tantričkim plesom plešemo uz sve muzičke žanrove. Od klasične do elektronske muzike. Budite otvoreni za različite ritmove,  vibracije i načine kretanja. Koristite svoje ili telo partnera kao instrument. Pokušajte da fino podesite svoje pokrete. Dah i svesni dodir su važni delovi ovog putovanja.

Ne morate biti iskusni plesač niti posedovati bilo kakve plesne veštine! 


Tantric Dance is a playful interaction between masculine and feminine energy to transcend duality. A journey to become more truthful to yourself and others.

With Tantric Dance we’re dancing in couples. One is blindfolded and surrenders to the other who leads the dance. The one who is leading is acting from masculine energy (Shiva). Masculine energy is decisive and protective and guides the other into a dance journey. The one who receives is acting from feminine qualities (Shakti). The feminine energy is graceful, fluid like water and surrenders.

The blindfold is helping us to turn inward by closing one of our main senses, our eyes. We become more sensitive to what is and stay present and alert in the moment. This helps us to observe ourselves. To witness how we are connecting with others and discover ourselves in different ways. Here lays an invitation to make a different movement, to make an end to what is holding you back to shine. To step into your light. By giving our body the space to flow freely, the mind becomes still and magic happens.

With Tantric Dance we dance on all music genres. From classical to electronic music. Be open to different rhythms, patterns of vibration and ways of moving. Use your or partner’s body as an instrument. Try to fine tune your movements. The breath, and conscious touch are important parts in this journey.

Participants:  You do not need to be a dancer of any skill. But you must be ready for accelerated growth to participate in this workshop. Working at this level will influence every facet of your life; shed a light onto your fears and shadows; reveal imbalances in body, mind and relationships that may need healing; create opportunities for your gifts to unfold into the world and challenge you to seize these opportunities.

TANTRIC Dance testimonials – utisci

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Marija SPIRIT je sertifikovani terapeut Tantra masaže i učitelj Tantričkog plesa, istraživač, biotehnolog, plesač, putnik i, iznad svega, žena koja je svoj životni put posvetila iskrenoj potrazi za smislom, odbacivanju predubeđenja i preobličavanju stvarnosti otvorenog uma i hrabre duše. Njeno istraživanje je počelo pre više od 20 godina sa telesnom psihoterapijom, praćeno holotropskim disanjem, treninzima rekonektivnog lečenja, Somananda Tantra školom, Ecstatic i Tantric plesom, TRE, zatim ISTA School of Temple Arts i Awaken as Love treninzima i festivalima. Marija je intuitivno oduvek verovala da ključ rada na sebi leži u radu sa TELOM. Njeno usavršavanje dostiže vrhunac onog trenutka kada je ušla u svet Tantre i sada se oseća počašćenom da podeli svoje životno iskustvo kao lek. Marija je imala tu sreću da uči Tantric Dance od osnivača – Rakesh & Elfriede, Holandija.

Rade Obradović je diplomirani pedagog, plesač i slobodni umetnik koji kroz pokret istražuje mogućnosti i potencijale koje telo ima već u sebi. Rado pleše u prirodi, a prirodu pokreta pretvara u pozorišne plesne predstave, radionice i manuelne terapije. Ovaj put se zajedno sa vama upušta u istraživanje erosa, ples srca, ples tranformacije i slobode. Pitanja koja pokreće u ovom svetu su: šta sve može biti ples i kako gradimo odnose sa drugima kroz ples. Zvanično nema posao, ali ima strast koju rado deli sa drugima. Voli neverblanu komunikacju, voli da mašta, kuva i voli pisanje poezije telom.

Rade Obradović is a graduate pedagogue, dancer and freelance artist who, through movement, explores the possibilities and potentials that the body already has within itself. He likes to dance in nature, and he turns the nature of movement into theatrical dance performances, workshops and manual therapies. This time, together with you, he embarks on an exploration of eros, the dance of the heart, the dance of transformation and freedom. The questions it raises in this world are: what can dance be and how do we build relationships with others through dance. He doesn’t officially have a job, but he has a passion that he likes to share with others. He likes non-verbal communication, he likes to fantasize, he likes to cook and he likes to write poetry with his body.

Marija SPIRIT is a certified Tantra massage therapist and Tantric dance teacher, biotechnology and nutrition scientist, dancer, mother, traveller and, above all, a woman who has dedicated her life’s journey to an honest search for meaning, shedding preconceptions and reframing reality with an open mind and a courageous soul. Her research began more than 20 years ago with Body Psychotherapy, followed by Holotropic Breathwork, Reconnective Healing trainings, Somananda Tantra School, Ecstatic Dance, Tantric Dance, TRE, ISTA School of Temple Arts and Awaken as Love trainings and festivals. Intuitively, Marija has always believed that the key to working on ourselves is working with the BODY. Her training climaxed the moment she entered the world of Tantra and she now feels honoured to share her life experience as a medicine. Marija have learned Tantic Dance from the founders of the TD movement, Rakesh & Elfride, The Netherlands.

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